Advantage 250 (M) Dog 10-25 kg – 4 pipettes


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Advantage dog

Advantage spot-on is a flea treatment product that is suitable for the treatment of fleas, flea larvae and biting lice in dogs. The active ingredient in Advantage is imidacloprid. The content of the Advantage pipette can easily be administered on the intact skin between the shoulder blades. In dogs over 25 kg, it is advised to divide the content of the pipette evenly over 3 to 4 places on the back. The existing fleas on the dog are killed within one day after application of the product. Treatment with Advantage protects your dog 4 weeks against other flea infestations. Advantage is well suited for the treatment of dogs with flea allergy.


Body weight of the dog Optimal dosage
Dog under 4 kg Advantage 40 dog <4 kg 4×0.4 ml pipettes
Dog 4-10 kg Advantage 100 dog 4-10 kg 4×1.0 ml pipettes
Dog 10-25 kg Advantage 250 dog 10-25 kg 4×2.5 ml pipettes
Dog 25-40 kg Advantage 400 dog 25-40 kg 4×4.0 ml pipettes

Tip: Don’t forget to treat your house against fleas also. Only 5% of the fleas can be found on your pet. The other 95% reside in the environment. Therefore, it is important to simultaneously treat both all your pets and you house itself to deal with the flea infestation. Your house can be treated best by the combination of vacuuming and the use of a spray.

REG NL 9213

Additional Information

Weight 0.076 kg


Prescription required The Netherlands


Prescription required Germany


Prescription required United Kingdom



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